Close Reclassification
After work in a confined space is completed close the reclassification and store a scanned copy of the completed reclassification procedure in the LINK360 software for record keeping.
To close a reclassification:
- Go to Confined Space > Open CS Requests.
- Find the reclassification in the table and click Close in the Actions column. The Close Reclassification page opens.
- Click either Upload Document Now or Upload Document Later.
If you selected Upload Document Now:
- Scan the completed reclassification procedure and save it as a PDF file.
- Click either Upload From Computer or Choose From Google Drive. If uploading from Google Drive and the selection window does not open, check your browser for blocked popups.
- Navigate to and select the file, and then click Save.
- If you selected Upload Document Later, continue to the next step. When you want to upload the document later go to Confined Space > Open CS Requests, find the reclassification in the list, and click Upload Document.
- Click Close.