Edit User Details

Use this page to provide basic information about the user and to set the user's access rights.

To access this page, select Setup & Admin > Setup Users. Then do one of the following:

If you are adding a new user, all fields are blank. If the user already exists, the fields are populated with the selected user’s current profile.

The following sections explain how to:

Edit Basic User Information

Fill in the User Information section:

  1. Fill in the required fields Last Name and First Name. If desired fill in Phone and Cell.
  2. For a new user, type their email address in the Email field. You cannot edit the email address of an existing user. Instead, have the user login with their old email address and then change their email address. See Change Email Address.

For a new user, in the Language list select the language in which the welcome email should be sent. The user can change the language in which to view the website by opening the Welcome menu and selecting Account Settings.

Assign Access Rights

Tip: To quickly assign this user the same settings as another user, click Copy Another User's Settings. For further instructions see Copy User Settings.

Fill in the User Settings section:

User may login to website: If you want to remove a user's ability to access the LINK360 website, clear this check box. This is referred to elsewhere as deactivating the user.

Can view documents and run reports for: Select this check box to grant the user rights to view documents and run reports. View rights must be granted in order to grant edit rights. Choose the location for which the user has view rights.

Can perform edit for: Select this check box to grant the user rights to edit. Choose the location for which the user has edit rights. (See above for a description of the location choices.) You cannot assign edit rights for a location if view rights are not assigned for that location. For example, if you have restricted view rights to a particular site, then only that site is available for edit rights; region and organization are not available.

The following check boxes specify what the user can edit. They are only available if the edit check box is selected.

Edit templates and text defaults: Grants the right to create and edit templates and to specify text defaults for the centers chosen in the next section.

Perform Periodic Inspections: Grants the user the right to conduct lockout procedure inspections using the Brady Smart Lockout mobile app. See Periodic Inspections.

Manage linked documents: Allows the user to access the Document Links page where they can enable or disable the feature and can view and remove existing links.

Choose Centers

Turn rights either On or Off for each center: Lockout/Tagout, Confined Space, and Reliability. This either grants or denies the rights set above. When access is turned off for a center, the only option visible when you hover over that center’s tab is Awaiting Your Review.

When done, click Save to save your changes and return to the Setup Users page.