Confined Space - Description Tab

This is the first tab when you add or edit a confined space safety assessment. It contains description and location information and attributes that determine whether or not the space qualifies as a confined space, requires a permit, and can be reclassified.

Note: Only the predefined text is translated. Custom content is not translated.

To fill in the form:

  1. Select the desired Site, Area and Equipment from the lists. (If you created the confined space assessment from the Find/Create Files page, then these are automatically filled in with the values set on the Find/Create Files page.)
  2. Enter a Confined Space Description. When you save the assessment, this description is provided as the default filename. You can edit the filename before saving.
  3. Under Confined Space Qualification, select the check box for each statement that matches the space. All three must be true to qualify as a confined space.

    Tip: Someone with rights to edit confined space templates and defaults can edit the list of qualifications. See Set Up Users and Confined Space - Edit Text Defaults.

  4. The Permit Required section becomes available only when the space qualifies as a confined space. Select the check box for each statement that matches the space. If any one statement is true, a permit is required to enter the space.
  5. The Reclassification section becomes available only if a permit is required. Reclassification means that a person who needs access to the space can temporarily reclassify the space so that an entry permit is not required. The statements in this section apply to the immediate future, for example, during the time that hazards are locked out. (Use the Headers tab to specify associated lockout procedures.)  Select the check box for each statement that matches the space. All statements must be true for the space to be reclassifiable.
  6. The Declassification section becomes available only when the space qualifies as a confined space. Click the statement that is true for this space. For more information see Declassify a Confined Space.