View Documents

Click the Find/Create Files tab to display all documents associated with a piece of equipment. Initially the software displays document thumbnails for the last equipment accessed. To choose different equipment:

  1. Select a site from the Site list. Once a site is selected, the Area list updates with areas in the selected site.
  2. Select an area from the Area list. Once an area is selected, the Equipment section displays thumbnails for each machine in that area.
  3. Click on the desired machine in the Equipment section. Thumbnails of all existing documents for the selected equipment are displayed below, organized by center (Lockout/Tagout, Confined Space, and so on). Below that are any other documents (created outside of the LINK360 software) that have been attached to the machine.


Hover the mouse over the document thumbnail or document name to see the options you can perform on the selected document. Options shown depend on your permission level (see Edit User Details).

Tip: This symbol on a document thumbnail means the document is a draft owned by another user. To see who owns the draft, point to the document and click Document View Options. The owner of the draft is provided in the status information to the right of the preview.

Options shown when pointing to a document:

Checklists button: (Lockout/Tagout only) If a completed checklist has been saved for a procedure, the Checklists button is shown below the procedure thumbnail. Click this button to:

Permits button: (Confined Space only) If a completed confined space entry permit has been saved, the Permits button is shown below the document thumbnail. Click this button to:

Declassify link: (Confined Space only) If a confined space assessment has been published and the assessment allows declassification, the Declassify link is shown on the right-hand side of the yellow bar in the Confined Space Documents section. For information about declassifying a confined space see Declassify a Confined Space.


Use this section of the screen to attach files to the equipment or to work with existing attachments.

To attach a file to the equipment:

  1. Click Add. The Add Attachment box opens. The Add button is only available to users with Attach documents to equipment permission.
  2. In the Add Attachment box, click Browse to locate and select the file that you want to attach. Click Open to use the selected file.
  3. The Name field displays the selected file name. If desired, type a name for the file as you want it displayed in the LINK360 software.
  4. Fill in the Description field if desired.
  5. Click Save. The file is uploaded to the LINK360 software.

To open an attached file: Click the file name. You must have Attach permission or View permission for any center for the site and area in which the equipment is located.

To change the name or description: Click Edit. You must have Attach permission.

To remove the attachment: Click Delete. You must have Attach permission.